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Résumé des absences aux cours

On this page, you can search for a course absences summary report and send lectures absence letters to students.

To Search for a Course Absences Summary Report: #
  1. Click on Course Absence Summary.
  2. Sélectionnez le Niveau.
  3. Sélectionnez la Section.
  4. Select the Absence Type.
  5. Select the Timeslots.
  6. Specify the starting date for your course absence report in the field called (From).
  7. Specify the ending date for your course absence report in the field called (To).
  8. Click on “Search” to view the report.
To Send Lectures Absence Letters to Students: #
  1. Choisissez le modèle de lettre que vous voulez envoyer aux élèves ou à leurs parents.
  2. Specify the starting date and ending date in the fields called (From) and (To).
  3. Select the starting limit and ending limit for the number of absences in the field called (Absence Count From) and (To).
  4. Select the check box if you want to include the excused absence number in the number of recorded absences.
  5. Vous pouvez filtrer l’absence des élèves en utilisant les options de la liste (Étape, Niveau et Section).
  6. Click on “Search” to send the absence letter based on the search filter.