Report card / Action

  1. Click on the dropdown menu for the report from within the reports table. 
  1. Click on the “Preview” button. 
  1. The system navigates to a screen displaying the created report and its final format. 
  1. Click on the “Export to Excel” button to download the report to an Excel file. 
  1. Return to the report settings after creation from its respective dropdown menu, which includes: 
  • Preview. 
  • Relations: Displays a map of all types of columns created in the report. 
  1. Direct Transcript Attribute 
  1. Horizontal Calculated Transcript Attribute 
  1. Indirect Transcript Attribute (from another report card) 

Note: All columns are linked to the achievement test result report. 

  • Review Grades: The system navigates to the main screen for reviewing the report, which contains all student reports for the school, and the report can be exported to a PDF file. 
  1. Displays an advanced search engine for student reports. 
  1. Click on the “View Report” button for the student. 
  1. The system navigates to the final form of the student’s report. 
  1. Click on the “Details” button to view the report details, which can be exported to an Excel file. 
  1. Click on the “Show Hidden Columns” button if available. 
  1. Click on the “Download” button to download the report to your device. 
  • Comprehensive Overview: Through this, you can review class-by-class details for reviewing the grading process. 
  1. Select the stage from the dropdown menu. 
  1. Select the level. 
  1. Select the section for which to review the report. 
  1. Click on the “Search” button to view the comprehensive report. 
  • Students’ failure report. 
  • Student Ranking. 
  • Insertions report. 
  1. Click on the dropdown menu for the class to select the class. 
  1. Click on the dropdown menu for subjects to select the subject. 
  1. Choose a grade disclosure column. 

Note: You can search for delinquent teachers individually from the dropdown menus or select all at once. 

  1. Click on the “Submit” button to display the report. 
  1. The report can be exported to an Excel file. 
  1. Click on the “Report of Teachers Not Fill a report” button to review and export it to an Excel file. 
  • Column Group. 
  • Courses: You can customize subjects and display them by clicking the “Select Subject” button, then click Save. 
  • Excluded Courses: To ensure the excluded subjects for the report, select them and then click Save. 
  • Export: Extracts all report data. 
  • Import: Imports all report data. 
  • Lock student. 
  • PDF Settings 
  • Review Settings. 
  • Detailed Subject Report. 
  • Copy. 
  • View Individual Student Grades. 
  • And more…