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The Diagnosis List screen enables users to add, search, and manage student diagnoses. Users can filter records by student name, school, level, and section.

To navigate through the Diagnosis screen:

  1. Click the Add Diagnosis button to add a new diagnosis.
  2. Use the search filters:
    • Student Name: Enter the name of the student.
    • School: Specify the school name.
    • Level: Select the student level.
    • Section: Choose the section.
  3. Click Search to filter the diagnosis records based on the provided criteria.
  4. Click the Advanced Search button for additional search options.
  5. Click the Export diagnosis as Excel button to export selected diagnosis records to an Excel file.
  6. Click the Export diagnoses to a single Excel button to export all selected diagnoses into one Excel file.
  7. Click the Export diagnosis as PDF button to export selected diagnosis records as a PDF.
  8. Adjust the number of rows displayed using the Rows button.
  9. Click Export to export the table data to a file.
  10. Modify which columns are displayed in the table using the Customize columns button.