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Custom Libraries

The Custom Libraries enable you to receive more enrichment content from your school teachers.

  • You can search for your content in the custom libraries by the title of the required content or by its type.
  1. Navigate using the tabs for All, My Files, or Custom Libraries to choose your viewing option.Enter a title in the “Title” field and use adjacent dropdown menus to refine your search by type, teacher, school, or course.
  2. Click on Advanced Search for more detailed search criteria.
  3. Adjust the number of rows shown using the “Rows” button, export data with the “Export” button, and customize visible columns with the “Customize columns” button.
  4. Interact with the resources in the table using options in the Actions column like viewing, editing, deleting, or downloading.
  5. Adjust your search or wait for new entries if no data is available.
  6. Click the “Search” button to execute your search.